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//The Henry Mayo Newhall Foundation

The Fund for Santa Barbara is a community-based foundation dedicated to supporting local grassroots efforts working for social justice, fair and affordable housing, accessible education, economic renewal, and a clean and healthy environment in Santa Barbara County. The Youth Making Change (YMC) program is one of their leading efforts to empower youth through a year-long experiential grant-making program where they identify community needs, explore solutions to these problems, and ultimately make grants that address issues that directly affect the youth.

PROFILE: Tony Morain

// The Big Picture's Best Help

Tony Morain is the Communications Director at Direct Relief, a forerunner in the nation's medical relief effort. For him, the key to successful communciation is building trust. He’s made a successful and fulfilling career out of helping others, and it’s exciting to see the changes he’s helping to make in the world.


// Dear Isla Vista,

Isla Vista is a beautiful slice of paradise brimming with young college students eager to learn and change the world around them. After living here for my undergrad years, I've come to know this little town quite well. Unfortunately, there's an epidemic affecting our nation, and it reach has touched our little beach town as well.


// Visual Aids for Social Media

If you would also like a visual aid to make sure your idea is not only heard but seen, I can do that for you with either Photoshop or InDesign. A little visual help can really help boost a blog post, article, presentation, business proposal, or whatever you need.

Book no.1
Book no.2
Book no.3
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